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Caught up in the rapture?

Okay, I have been away for a while.

Life threw me more than I could even write about.

It is what it is so I let it do what it do for a few.

In the meantime, there was all of this talk about the rapture and what would happen on May 21st at a certain time on the face of the Earth.

You peep that pic above? How could you not right?

There’s a long story behind it but I’ll keep it simple for you. The caption to the left reads, “Master the illusion”.

We have all been deceived and had wool pulled over our eyes for way too long. I have always been a believer in everything happens for a reason. There is a reason that I saw this today after my blog hiatus. In the blog-o-sphere, it may as well have been a Osama-Bin-Laden hiding or a kidnapping.

I didn’t go anywhere, I was just mastering my force and those illusions. We are all still here. Dude must be tight he spent his life savings on a PR campaign at the end of the day. Him and Osama and Barack Obama are all celebrities if you really evaluate the supreme mathematics of it all.

The amount of related links is testament to how powerful the campaign was. If only I could get a campaign like that going for Manhattan Real Estate, I could change the world we live in before the next doomsday!

There are many places we can all go. It is up to us where we all decide to go on our own roads. I am following that blue light onwards and upwards. There is a yin and yang to the life we live in and we all need to embrace both sides of that “coin”. Fear is only here to keep us from advancing. The purpose of life is to advance.

The name of my blog is “Hat Man CAN Do”. So if it is what it is, then let it do what it do.

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Using infrared images from NASA's Spitzer Spac...

Image via Wikipedia

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